Story of Munkh
Our Nomads
How to Buy Ethical and Sustainable Mongolian Cashmere You Can Track
Step-by-step guide to removing stains from cashmere
Cashmere facts, comparison between Mongolian cashmere vs Chinese cashmere (also known as Inner Mongolian cashmere)
President Visit at MUNKH cashmere – Swiss Confederation
DZUD harsh winter weather conditions.
President Visit at MUNKH cashmere – Federal Republic of Germany
몽골 캐시미어와 내몽고(중국산) 캐시미어는 차이가 있나요?
Some suggestion on how to get rid of static electricity build-up in cashmere
The Mongolian Fiber
Why is yak wool considered exquisite?
Desertification in Mongolia
MUNKH has participated in Maison & Object 2016
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